▷ Bloxy Bingo: Auto-Farm (Script) 2024

The Bloxy Bingo script for Roblox includes the AUTO-FARM feature, making it easy for players to automatically mark bingo cards and claim rewards. This script helps players earn rewards without constant manual input.

local SubContainer = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Bingo.StaticDisplayArea.Cards.PlayerArea.Cards.Container.SubContainer function firebutton(button) if button ~= nil then for i,signal in pairs(getconnections(button.MouseButton1Click)) do signal:Fire() end for i,signal in pairs(getconnections(button.MouseButton1Down)) do signal:Fire() end for i,signal in pairs(getconnections(button.Activated)) do signal:Fire() end end end while wait() do local Cards if SubContainer:FindFirstChild(“Blocks”) then Cards = SubContainer.Blocks.Block else Cards = SubContainer.VerticalScroll.Cards end local BingoButton = SubContainer.Buttons.ClaimButton if Cards ~= nil and BingoButton ~= nil then for _, card in pairs(Cards:GetChildren()) do if card:IsA(“Frame”) then if card ~= nil and card:FindFirstChild(“Content”) ~= nil and card:FindFirstChild(“Content”):FindFirstChild(“Numbers”) ~= nil then for _, button in pairs(card.Content.Numbers:GetChildren()) do firebutton(button) wait() end if card ~= nil and card:FindFirstChild(“ToGo”) ~= nil then if card.ToGo.ToGoText.Text == “BINGO!” then firebutton(BingoButton) end end end end end end end
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1. Click COPY button for auto copy script
2. Paste the script into your script application
3. Run and done

With these simple steps, players can quickly and easily use the script to improve their Roblox game experience.

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